Shady Oaks has three new 9mm Pistol offerings lined up for our Friends enjoyment:
1. H&K’s MP5K
2. PTRs MP5K Clone
3. CZ’s Scorpion EVO3
These great pistols can’t be compared, that would be like comparing a Peach to a Nectarine. But We can provide a quick walk down on primary differences.
H&K’s MP5K traces it’s beginning to the 1960’s. With H&K’s quality build, the fully ambidextrous MP5K is one of the Short Barrel Rifle NFA conversion favorites.
PTR’s Aynor, South Carolina headquarters has delivered one of the finest MP5K clones Shady Oaks can offer. Unlike the original, the PTR does not include ambidextrous controls, but it also does not include as long a trigger pull and it does include an easier racking experience. PTR is absolutely a viable alternative to the hard to find H&K MP5K.
CZ’s Scorpion. Shady Oaks shooters take these home 3 to 1 over the H&K and is absolutely the slickest of the three. Yes, I literally mean slickest. The Scorpion EVO 3 may have been transported back in time to our present day. The Translucent polymers are “Indestructible” and the huge aftermarket modification kits means that your ambidextrous EVO 3 will never grow old or fatigue the eye. CZ’s Scorpion EVO 3 is #1 in demand by our Shady Oaks friends