Public Outreach Statement
An Environmental Assessment (EA) for the expansion of the Shady Oaks Gun Range (SOGR) is being prepared in accordance with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) guidelines, and in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.
The SOGR opened the existing gun range facility in April 2014 with an emphasis on new women shooters, handgun and rifle safe handling and skills building, youth marksmanship knowledge, and disabled access.
Prior to SOGR’s April 2014 opening, there were no publicly accessible shooting range facilities compliant with National Rifle Association or National Shooting Sports Foundation safety design guidelines within the region. The purpose of the project is to provide increased public access and to expand local and regional gun range capacity for the area around Cedar Park, Texas.
The SOGR has applied for a grant for the proposed project under the USFWS Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program. The grant is being administered by the TPWD. The project construction is planned to occur during the latter part of 2016 immediately following completion of the EA process.
The project includes a dedicated hunter education, archery and beginning firearms safety and proficiency class facility along with dedicated storage. This facility will connect to the existing retail and shooting range building. Also included in the project is an uncovered outdoor archery training platform that would extend from the existing retail/shooting range toward the southern property boundary. Associated site development includes an additional parking area, a new fire lane and a new private fire hydrant, as well as a temporary construction staging area and concrete washout area.
Questions regarding administration of the grant should be directed to the TPWD at (512) 389-8401 or via email at Questions regarding the SOGR project should be directed to Mr. Vince McElhaney at (512) 415-2419 or by email at