Private Lesson – Rifle

A private lesson for rifle training provides one-on-one training on a variety of topics from beginner to advanced levels.

Our Instructors have experience working with shooters of all skill levels and can help you improve your confidence and marksmanship. Lessons are taught in 1-hour blocks, in a one-on-one format, covering the goals of your choice.

Note that Private Lessons are conducted with one person at a time. If two people want to sign up for a lesson together, you should book TWO lessons, back to back, with the same instructor. While any classroom instruction can be attended together, the Range only allows for ONE PERSON to be on the range with an instructor at a time, meaning the 2nd person will have to wait in the classroom or pro shop while the 1st person is on the range with the instructor. Then they’ll swap out for the 2nd person if booking a joint lesson of two hours.


  • Firearms – If you bring your own firearm and ammunition, there is no additional fee for the lesson. However, firearms can be provided at no charge during a lesson, but you will be required to purchase our range ammunition for that firearm. Ammunition will vary in cost depending on caliber and how many boxes you use, but expect between $10-$30 for ammo.
  • Hearing protection is required at all times on the range. During a lesson, this can be provided for you if necessary, but if you have your own, please bring it!! We also sell hearing protection in the pro shop.
  • Eye protection is required at all times on the range. Your prescription eyewear will generally suffice for eye protection. During a lesson, this can be provided for you if necessary, but if you have your own, please bring it. We also sell eye protection in the pro shop.
  • Close-Toed Shoes are required. No sandals, flip-flops, or open-toe shoes are permitted on the range.

Book a Private Lesson for Rifle